2020 I managed to conduct two plant walks as well as do one on one with a couple of families. I am no longer able to do winter walks and I miss them. But the work goes on and I hope to be able to continue in 2021.
I was able to conduct three plant walks in 2019, but because of health issues, I was unable to do more. BUT this is a new year and I plan on conducting the first walk of 2020 in May, depending on the weather! Watch for an update.
4 June 2017 The next Plant Walk will be this Saturday 10 June at 9 AM. With the warmer weather, we need to start a bit earlier. As usual, the Walk will be at the Rexburg Nature Park.  

Thanks to the few brave souls who attended in May in spite of the cold and windy weather! 

REMEMBER: if you wish to contact me to set up a date, please use the comment form on the GUESTBOOK page. Thanks!

28 April 2017 Interesting spring weather. One week it's up in the 50's and 60's, about 10 days later, it's snowing and sleeting; we're supposed to get snow tonight, too. However, spring bulbs and wild edibles are not deterred and I love seeing dandelions and other wild flowers in bloom. Looking forward to making dandelion fritters for the neighbor kids (and my grandkids, should they stop in), over the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, I have vegetable seeds started and starting. 

I'm really hoping the weather will improve as I want to do my first Plant Walk on 12 May. Please contact me if you are interested in attending. It will be at the Rexburg Nature Park beginning at 10 AM. Hope to see you there.


4 Jan 2017  The updating process begins! I am adding pictures, new documents, and sources. Worked on the Foods page and started a Medicinal Herbs page. Stay tuned!
  • Beginning in 2017, I will post Plant Walk dates and locations. If you wish to contact me to set up a date, please use the comment form on the GUESTBOOK page. Thanks!

9/17/16 For the second year in a row, I presented a class on Wild Edibles at the Idaho Preparedness Expo. The morning session was Standing Room Only, at least 40 people, and the afternoon session was almost as large. Because of the larger than expected turnout, I ran out of handouts. Luckily, most of them are posted on this site!
This past summer, I conducted two plant walks at the Rexburg, ID Nature Park. I limit the walks to about 12-15 people so that all the participants have the opportunity to observe, and sometimes taste, the various plants we encounter.