Included on this page are resources that I have found very useful. I am open to input for 

more books, websites, etc. Because some of these resources are difficult to find, I am 

posting some actual documents. 

DISCLAIMER: I am not an certified herbalist. All publications either listed or provided are used at your 

discretion. Keep in mind that many of the early medicinal uses of plants have been disproved as to their 

effectiveness or, because of the inherent danger of the plant itself, are not recommended for use by those 

without extensive medical background.

Menomini_Ethnobotany.pdf Menomini_Ethnobotany.pdf
Size : 0.203 Kb
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Menomini_Plates.pdf Menomini_Plates.pdf
Size : 4.139 Kb
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Ethnobotany_of_Potawatomi.pdf Ethnobotany_of_Potawatomi.pdf
Size : 0.439 Kb
Type : pdf
Potawatomi Medicines.pdf Potawatomi Medicines.pdf
Size : 0.16 Kb
Type : pdf


Atwood, Mary Dean. Spirit Herbs: Native American Healing. NY: Sterling Publishing Co. 

1998   ISBN 0806938625

Caduto, Michael J. and Bruchac, Joseph. Keepers of Life: Discovering Plants Through 

Native American Stories and Earth Activities for Children. Golden, CO: Fulcrum 

Peblishing, 1994, 1998  ISBN 1555913873

Densmore, Frances. Strength of the Earth: The Classic Guide to Ojibwe Uses of Native 

Plants. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Publications, 2005   ISBN 0873515625 [originally 

published as "Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians" in 1928]

Erichson-Brown, Charlotte. Medicinal and Other Uses of North American Plants: A 

Historical Survey with Special Reference to the Eastern Indian Tribes. New York: Dover 

Publications, 1989  ISBN 048625951X

Hutchens, Alma R. Indian Herbalogy of North America. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 

 1991, 1973 ISBN 978877736394

Miczak, Marie. Nature's Weeds, Native Medicine. Twin Lakes, WI: Lotus Press   ISBN